
Custom software solutions for small music venues.
Ostira is developing a suite of products to solve operational challenges for small music venues. The first product is a super simple ticketing platform that gives your best the best possible experience while reducing complexity for venue managers.
Ticketing Features:

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Ostira is created by Joe Kitz, and musician, software developer and entrepreneur in New York City. The idea came in the summer of 2023 while attending the French Open (a tennis tournement) in Paris, France. When we had an extra ticket that we couldn't use, we expected to need to turn to StubHub or the French version of it to resell the ticket.
However, the French Open explicitly stated not to buy or sell tickets with a 3rd party, as they would be invalid (I later found out that re-selling tickets above face value is illegal in France). Instead, the French Open had their own system that allowed tickets you couldn't use to simply recirculate them with the click of a button back into the original ticket pool. If someone else bought the ticket, you'd get reimbursed. So, we recirculated our extra ticket, and within two minutes, it was repurchased, and we got most of our money back. This was the lightbulb moment that this should be commonpractice for tickets in the US.
Having played saxophone since 4th grade and playing jazz since 6th grade, I set out to combine my ticketing idea with my passion for serving the jazz venues I enjoy coming to. This led me to build the existing ticketing platform, and now expanding out to building software to streamline operations for other challenges small music venues have as well.